
How To Get Rid of 3 Most Annoying Body Problems

3 Most Annoying Body Problems And How To Get Rid Of Them How To Get Rid of 3 Most Annoying Body Problems
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How To Get Rid of 3 Most Annoying Body Problems


Cause: Friction – wearing a tight shoe that rubs against your foot is the leading cause of this body problem. It appears by collecting fluid between the layers of the skin, which forms into a bubble-like blister. Other skin injuries such as burn also cause blisters.

Treatment: Believe it or not, the best thing you can do to treat your blisters is to leave them alone. This skin problem can be infected real easily; this is why you should never pop them, unless they’re annoyingly big. If you wish to pop your blisters, make sure you wash your hands. Then use a sterilized needle to let the fluid from the bubble out. Never remove the skin that covers the blister.

If the affected skin gets red or tender, seek out medical help immediately. Make sure you keep your hands clean to avoid infections.


Causes: Hiccups happen when the diaphragm begins to involuntarily contract. Vocal cords will snap shut in each spasm, causing the “hic” sound.

Treatment: The most common remedy for this is to drink water with the glass upside down, or holding breath. The idea of these techniques is to disrupt the cycle of breathing in a way which relaxes the diaphragm to stop the spasms.

Hiccups normally subside on its own, whether you do those treatment techniques or not. But if it’s making breath hard or causing you hard time to swallow your food, and if it lasts more than 3 hours, then you better seek medical attention.

Waterlogged ears

Cause: When water finds its way through the ear canal, usually when swimming, it can muffle your hearing, and can be really annoying.

Treatment: The usual solution of waterlogged ears is to tile your ear and get that right angle that will make way to drain the water out. If that doesn't solve the problem, you can use a hair dryer few inches from the affected ear and try to blow off the water. Of course you should set it to its lowest setting, because too hot or too cold air can harm your hearing organ.

A swimmer’s ear is when the ear starts to look red, feel painful and/or draining fluid often. In this case, you need to seek medical attention.
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Body Problems

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