
Top Reasons Why do People Get Sick

They find themselves having some symptoms and they get scared. They run to see their physician and their physician does what he or she knows the best: gives them some pills. After all, that’s what a good doc does, right?
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Top Reasons Why do People Get Sick

They find themselves having some symptoms and they get scared. They run to see their physician and their physician does what he or she knows the best: gives them some pills. After all, that’s what a good Doctor does, right?

“Doctors are men who prescribe medicines of which they know little, to cure diseases of which they know less, in human beings of whom they know nothing”

– Voltaire

The patient trusts his physician and, without asking if taking pills is the last and the best choice, they take the prescription and run to buy the drugs (drugs=pills). Soon enough they swallow the small buttons and start looking after the improvement. Sometimes they manage to recover their health but sometimes they do not. With or without drugs, most often an illness will pass in time but… sometimes it will come back under the same form (the same illness) or another form (another illness). Then, the cycle will be repeated: physician, prescription, pharmacy, drugs, hopes.

We are so used to get sick that we believe getting sick is something normal.

Well, getting sick is not something normal and we are not supposed to get sick from time to time.

An illness is nothing else but a symptom. It is your body’s way of telling you that you, as a whole, are not happy. There are some issues… Most often than not, these issues are related to the way you eat or think/feel; so they are a sign of a poor nutrition or a bad mental state. These are the real problems! These are what you need to get fixed if you want a long time result!

We, the ones who are here to help people with their physical and “spiritual” health, have a pretty hard task. Our mission is not easy at all. Sometimes the patient is not interested and does not want to hear what we have to say. They are so caught in their “reality” that they cannot hear or see something else.

Eventually, with some luck they manage to get themselves connected to our frequency and they hear what we have to say. It’s a moment when we are happy and we say that we did a great job. “Now that they heard us, know they know!“ Still, after some time the same illness comes back or a new one is developed. Why does this happen? Well… it happens because it is not enough to know, one must feel!

How to keep your body healthy and fit?

Did you know that you can heal yourself by changing the way you think?!

Maybe some of you, my dear readers, would answer with a 100% sure “yes”. Well, I would not hurry into saying “yes”. By changing the way you think, you cannot change too much! Your inner self is aware of the incoherence between what you say and what you feel. That’s why sometimes doing those positive affirmation exercises does not lead to a change.

Besides changing your way of thinking you must change the way you feel too!

You see, we tend to believe that if someone smiles, they must be happy. Sometimes that’s not the case. Have you seen people talking about really bad things while still smiling? Like, “Let me tell you how I smashed my head against the wall by mistake. Ha-ha-ha!”

Sometimes people make that kind of affirmations while smiling. That’s not OK… If we smile, the problem will not go away. It is not enough to smile; we must really feel the happiness inside. That’s what makes the difference.

Whoever said that happiness is an inside job was no fool!

Accept reality! You have no choice anyway! You cannot change the present. You cannot change what is! What you can do instead is to create a better future for yourself and for the ones you love. How to do that? Well, you can start by asking yourself what your body is trying to tell you via that sickness. Than, say “thank you” for the information and do whatever change you – through your own body –have asked yourself to do. You need this change!

Do not bind yourself emotionally to the sickness! Your illness is just information. Learn the lesson and let go the experience. The sadness you have felt when your physician told you that you are sick will not help you. Let it go! Learn your lesson and move on!

Keep in mind! Even though you can make a big difference and take care of your own health by listening to your body’s whispers, I am not saying that medicine sucks and it is useless. Medicine is not useless and has a huge role in human evolution. Sometimes we really need drugs and even scalpel.
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